Climate researchers and activists discuss the impact of climate change on women and gender and sexual minorities’ health, gender relevant climate solutions, and how the CATALYSE project is integrating gender into the project.

The Speakers:

Angham Daiyoub is a PhD researcher at CREAF and a collaborating researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She specializes in nature conservation and environmental justice. She holds a double master’s degree in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management from the University of Lleida (Spain) and Karadeniz University (Turkey), and a degree in Agricultural Engineering from Tishreen University (Syria)

Kim van Daalen is a post-doctoral researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and a Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change Research Fellow for Europe. Her research focuses on the intersections of environmental epidemiology, planetary health, and gender inequities. As a Lancet Countdown Research Fellow, she coordinates the European collaboration together with Prof. Rachel Lowe. She recently finished her PhD  in Environmental Epidemiology (Dec 2022) as a Gates Cambridge scholar at the University of Cambridge. On a voluntary basis she is the research coordinator for the international NGO Women in Global Health which challenges power and privilege for gender equity in health. 

Razia Sultana is a feminist activist, senior researcher, and educator living in Bangladesh. She specializes in trauma, mass rape, and traficking of Rohingya girls and women. She is the founder of Rohingya Women Welfare Society (RWWS), an organization that provides psychosocial assistance and healthcare support to refugee women, especially those who have experienced rape and gender-based violence in refugee camps, and seeks to empower women through education and raise awarenes about child and women trafficking. She is a recipient of the US Women of Courage Award (2019), the American Women for International Understanding Award (2019), was chosen to participate in the International Leader Visiting Program, US Department of State (2019), and spoke at the UN Security council during its open debate on sexual violence in conflict and reported about the decades long pattern of rape, violence, discrimination and displacement of Rohingyas and other ethnic people in Myanmar in 2018. 

OLANIKE OLUGBOJI-DARAMOLA is an award-winning conservationist, climate justice, and women’s empowerment advocate. She holds degrees in Urban and Regional Planning; and her core areas of expertise include Environmental, Peace and Gender Development Issues. She is the founder of Women Initiative for Sustainable Environment (WISE), a 2016 Global Good Fund Fellowship Finalist, 2016 World Pulse Impact Leader and Ambassador, 2016 Empowerment Institute Scholar, recipient of SEA (Sustainability, Environment & Advocacy) AWARDS 2018 Eco-Business Advocacy Award, and was appointed as one of five 2022 World Trade Congress on Gender Ambassador. She was named one of Nigeria’s Top 100 Environmental Professionals by Environment Africa Magazine and sits on the board of WISE Waste Plastic Solution, Greenscape Integrated Global Services Limited, Green Environment Foundation (GEF) and Girl-Child Right Awareness Initiative in Africa. 

Anila Noor is a refugee researcher and consultant based in the Netherlands examining social justice perspectives on gender and conflict as well as forced migration and refugee policies in Europe. She holds three master’s degrees in development studies (2014), gender and women’s studies (2010) and Punjabi (2000). She is the founder and director of New Women Connectors, a representative of the Global Refugee-led Network and Global Independent Refugee Women Leaders, and has performed advisory roles for the European Commision and the UNHCR. 

Cathryn Tonne, Associate Professor at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, is an environmental epidemiologist focusing on the health effects of air pollution from traffic and household sources. Her research has investigated exposure patterns and health effects of air pollution in high- as well as low- and middle-income countries and the health co-benefits of climate change mitigation via air pollution. She is co-director of the Lancet Countdown for Health and Climate Change in Europe and leads the working group focused on mitigation actions and health co-benefits. She is a member of the Expert Working Group on climate change, air pollution, and health within the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Air Pollution and Health. She led the European Research Council funded Cardiovascular Health effects of Air pollution in Telangana, India and is the coordinator of the CATALYSE project, a Horizon Europe project focused on climate change and health.